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New Atlas of Digital Art | Start the day by day

The countdown to the New Atlas of digital art meeting begins!
Here in the day by day, we will share with you news and reflections that will accompany us until the day of our meeting, but also beyond: we will follow the work and the results of the conference to give you the chronicle of what we consider a real adventure, an exploratory journey into the complex and fascinating world of digital art.

We are well aware of how vast and articulate the topics to be addressed by our speakers are. The phenomena of digital art reflect on society the economy, and science in totally unprecedented forms, the result of a technological convergence never before implemented in history, and precisely for this reason difficult to investigate.

Our aim is therefore to draw a map, as broad and up-to-date as possible of the world of digital art with the dual purpose of systematizing and historicizing the context in which digital art has moved in recent years and at the same time tracing the paths that lead it into the future: we believe that art itself is the fundamental driver for repairing the present and looking to the future, a tool for enhancing our knowledge and sensitivity to change.

To stay constantly informed of news and changes, follow us to keep up to date, here, or on our Facebook page.

The program of the New Atlas of Digital Art
