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MEET in progress. The construction site at Porta Venezia

If you hang out in Porta Venezia, you must have noticed it. Some months ago works began to transform the former Spazio Oberdan into MEET, the international centre of digital culture in Milan. The building was purchased in July 2018 by Fondazione Cariplo and destined to become the home of Meet the Media Guru and those who love human-centred innovation.

The redesign of over 1500 square metres of the building was entrusted to Carlo Ratti: architect, expert in digital-city interaction and twice a guest of MtMG. It will be developed on three floors and it will also host a cinema, which the Cineteca Italiana Foundation will continue to use, but which will also be one of the MEET environments.

The MEET spaces will be “sense and respond” spaces that is, designed to interact with those who live there or that pass by the windows overlooking Piazza Oberdan. Some renderings of the building are already ready to be sent to the newspapers and we are working on a development “à la MtMG” that allows us to virtually enter MEET like a (digital, of course) pop-up book.

Meanwhile, a small group of filmmakers sneaked into the yard and recorded the sounds and atmospheres of the MEET in progress. We are all full of energy and also quite excited. This is why we would like to share this “baustelle” with the community. In order to do that we invented the hashtag #MEETinprogress. If you pass by the former Spazio Oberdan, use this hashtag in a picture. We will repost the most beautiful photos on our Instagram account. What do you mean do you not know our Instagram account!? It’s @mmguru.


