Getting to know them (I) | News Atlas of Digital Art
Centre PHI, LABoral, Ars Electronica Futurelab, DAM Museum..among the most influential voices in European and global culture will be brought together in the opening discussion of the New Atlas of Digital Art on June 23. But what is their history, why are they important, and what are they proposing? Ten European centers of art and culture coming together in Milan is not an everyday occurrence; the opportunity is one you can’t miss!
Let’s get to know them.
Centre PHI Montreal, Canada
The PHI Centre sits at the intersection of art, film, music, design and technology. Through eclectic programming and a strong emphasis on content creation, the PHI Centre fosters unexpected encounters between artists and audiences.
Centre PHI
LABoral, Spain
LABoral Centro de Arte y Creación Industrial è un’istituzione multidisciplinare che produce, diffonde e favorisce l’accesso a nuove forme di cultura radicate nell’uso creativo delle tecnologie dell’informazione e della comunicazione (TIC). La sua programmazione trasversale e integrata si rivolge a un’ampia base di pubblico con l’obiettivo finale di generare e condividere conoscenza.
LABoral, Spagna
Ars Electronica Futurelab, Austria
Based in Austria, Ars Electronica is one of Europe’s leading cultural institutions, an educational facility and a research and development laboratory. Since the first Ars Electronica Festival in 1979, Ars Electronica has grown to include the Prix Ars Electronica, the Ars Electronica Center and the Ars Electronica FutureLab.
Ars Electronica Futurelab
DAM Museum, Germany
The Digital Art Museum DAM is an online resource for the history and practice of digital art, founded in 2000. For more than two decades, it has offered visitors an exploration of the rich heritage of innovation and experimentation in digital art. With advice from a panel of experts, the DAM Museum continues to offer a growing archive of resources on art practices and reflections surrounding digital creativity.
DAM Museum
Onassis Foundation, Greece
Onassis Stegi is a multidisciplinary cultural space in Athens, hosting events and actions across the spectrum of the arts, from theater, dance, music, visual arts, and hybrid art, with an emphasis on contemporary cultural expression and a strong focus on new media and digital art.