Gallery 16 May 2018 Corey Timpson | Meet the Media Guru Il pubblico in attesa di entrare nel Salone d'Onore della Triennale di Milano Photo credit: cof Maria Grazia Mattei, Direttore di Meet the Media Guru L'intervento di Filippo Del Corno, Assessore alla Cultura del Comune di Milano Il guru, Corey Timpson Photo credit: cof Il pubblico in sala pone le domande al guru Cultural InnovationMuseums See all contents about Corey Timpson
Post 25 July 2018 Let’s wrap up. The first six months of MEET Rewatch the highlights: from the launch of the digital culture centre to the Deep Sight immersive installation to the MtMG evenings Gender gapMEETCultural InnovationArtificial IntelligenceMedia art
Post 26 April 2017 Nancy Proctor and digital transformation in museums At Palazzo Litta, an evening on innovation for cultural heritage starting from the measures introduced by the Museweb non-profit organisation Audience EngagementDigital TrasformationCultural InnovationMuseums
Post 14 February 2019 Mobility: the keyword of MtMG in 2019 Cultural Innovation, New Creative Languages and Democracy in the Digital Age. These are the tracks of the new year. It all starts on March 5th MEETCultural InnovationMobility
Video 28 September 2018 Noah Raford The Futurist-in-Chief of of the Dubai Future Foundation would like to use creativity and inspiration to go beyond paralysis and complexit Cultural InnovationMuseums