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Deep Sensing by Rasa Šmite e Raitis Šmits

Deep Sensing is an immersive artwork created by Rasa Šmite and Raitis Šmits artists from The Center for New Media Culture (RIXC) in Rigain Latvia. This installation takes its cue from the historic RT-32 radio telescope located in Irbene, western Latvia. The giant 32-meter antenna was originally designed to receive signals from space and the atmosphere.

Twenty years later, a major astronomy conference entitled “RT-32. Acoustic Space Laboratory” (2001), the two artists decided to return to the Irbene radio telescope to start a research project addressing socio-ecological issues. In this new interpretation, the antenna is no longer represented as a massive object, but rather as a cloud of intangible dots that display sound data.

Deep Sensing is an artwork that reflects on the history and evolution of the radio telescope, as well as the crucial role this facility has played and continues to play in space research. RIXC artists use technology to create an immersive experience that allows the public to gain a deeper understanding of the convergence of cosmic radiation at this specific point on Earth. Here, electromagnetic waves are received from the Sun, other planets, stars in other galaxies and even mysterious black holes yet unexplored.
Through the fusion of art, history and science, Deep Sensing offers the public a unique perspective on the vastness and complexity of the universe.

Deep Sensing
Rasa Šmite e Raitis Šmits.

June 22 to July 30
Immersive Room



