Augmented Europe. Our future is connected
Programme: Europe for Citizens – Civil Society Projects
Partners: MEET (Milano – IT), Public Art Lab (Berlin – DE), RICX (Riga – LV), MADE (Thessaloniki – GR)
AugE | Augmented Europe aimed at enhancing the impact of digital technologies and digital creativity for the active citizenship and active participation of a huge number of young people to the political debate about the future of Europe, allowing the sharing of innovative ideas for a joint creation of a new EU awareness, and a renewed sense of European belonging.
AugE embraces a twin-fold notion of “augmented”:
- a transnational community of youths going beyond cultural and linguistic barriers, that meet on a physical/digital space to co-create values and ideas for the future of Europe
- a renewed and meaningful sense of Europe, based on the past but that looks straight at the future, focusing on societal challenges and on how youths can contribute to shape the EU political agenda.
How an augmented Europe could meet young generation going beyond cultural and physical barriers?
The today’s digital technologies allow setting of augmented spaces where people from different countries could meet real-time and co-create things, ideas, scenarios.
AugE focused in particular on two approaches:
- The social media cast: a movement in online video that combines traditional media content, social networking, and interactive community to create a unique experience for participants on the Web
2. The connecting cities: it’s aimed at building up a connected infrastructure of media facades and projection sites to circulate artistic and social contents, also enabling citizens to participate directly in co-creation of contents
With this aim 3 Ideathon in each city (Milan, Berlin, Riga, Thessaloniki) – between October 2020 to May 2021 – involving about 140 young people each (n. 50 onsite + 30 online from the three partners’ cities) has been organized . The Ideathon’ setting allowed a collaborative design with the active participation of a group of 16 young people in each country that has been trained on social media casting to then support the Ideathons to be augmented.
Indeed, beyond the involvement of the foreseen number of participants each lab involved a higher number of young people from each country, thanks the impact of social media.
Each Ideathon focused on a European challenge as a glue of a common vision/dream for the future Europe, as well as a goad to drive the active participation: Climate change/Diversity and social inclusion/ Beyond Nationalities: Connecting People and Places/Youths, future and startups.
Each Ideathon has to be seen as a chapter of a unique transnational event where each hackathon builds the others, for a sole European narration that enhanced as main content of the last event.
Indeed, on 14th June 2021 a co-creation event – through inter-connected cities – enhanced the results of the SHs using creative/artistic languages that involved actively citizens and policy makers.
Here you can find the info template.