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DADA Perspective | calendar of the experience

Throughout the opening period of the exhibition-from May 10 to June 18-right inside MEET’s exhibition spaces, workshops, and meetings with representatives of the movement from around the world will take place.


Blockchain, immutability and rituals

Saturday, May 13 and 20 – 5 p.m.

For millennia, before there was a set of computers to validate a blockchain and keep digital records secure, we already had analog practices for leaving immutable marks and signatures. In this experience we perform hybrid analog and digital rituals together to help understand in a tangible way what blockchain is. What does it mean to remain immutable over time? We discover together with DADA what is the spirit of the quest for immutability and the collective participation to make this possible, digitally or analogically.

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Treasure Hunt

Sunday, May 14 – 3 p.m.

Making the experience of collecting a game based on fun, discovery, and sharing. We will meet at MEET and then go out to find and collect DADA works, solving intricate riddles.

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Seeing the invisible

Sunday, May 21 – 5 p.m.

What is DADA’s Invisible Economy? In this experience, participants draw spaces and shapes, shifting their focal points and viewpoints, to glimpse a “new dimension” where the Invisible Economy resides. Through this metaphor, we can begin to understand the shift in mindset needed to make sense of these new concepts. The Invisible Economy cannot be taught. It can only be understood through experience itself. Stop looking but, instead, try to see. Make the invisible visible.

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Mint Tea

Saturday, May 27 – 5 p.m.

Is it possible to make lasting, eternal, a collective moment of thought-sharing? The answer is yes. Through an experience of exchanging thoughts, sipping mint tea (a play on words in English where the word mint “mint” is the same word used to record files on blockchain in the operation of “mintage”), we collect reflections from participants that will be gathered into a single file that will then be tokenized on blockchain.

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The CryptoArt Virtual Tour

Sunday, May 28 – 5 p.m.

The display of historical Crypto Art presented in Barcelona during the first HISTORIC NFT FEST (HNFT), exhibited at MEET, has been recreated virtually. It has become a commemorative piece and can be visited with Virtual Reality viewers. Let’s explore the original exhibition through a Virtual Tour with the guidance of curator Eleonora Brizi.

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“Immersion in a DADA Conversation” and “Strange but True.”

Wednesday, May 31 – 7 p.m.

In our VR Corner, two new Virtual Reality experiences are available with the visors provided. The first is “Sight Unseen,” a “conversation” created live in 2019 by eight DADA artists during an auction in Detroit, transformed into a three-dimensional experience. It is possible to walk inside the conversation and discover all the characters that inhabit it. To better understand the second experience, it is important to know that this is the first DADA collection brought to market as NFT in 2017, a collection of 100 drawings. Angie Taylor, DADAKIN and 3D artist, created the virtual exhibit dedicated to this collection. We delve into the exhibition.

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