AI4FUTURE Residency: Luca Pozzi with RM2022
AI4FUTURE aims at creating an international network of laboratories useful on the one hand to improve the understanding and dissemination of AI-related technologies, and on the other hand fundamental for an active and creative participation of young activists within the European cultural scene.
The project combines artificial intelligence, art and social innovation through dynamic workshops, in collaboration with artists, to create AI-based artworks and installations with the aim of raising awareness.
The topics covered touch on various areas, from transport and logistics, with reference to both physical and geographical mobility, to the fourth industrial revolution, i.e. technologies such as 5G or Bluetooth; from well-being and self-awareness, to social mobility, such as migration flows and the extreme use of digital against the backdrop of an immobility caused by the pandemic.
Artists are invited to focus on urban platforms, the way digital platforms connect cities with the people who live in them.
The main challenge is how to develop and use the datasets to shape the future reality of urban mobility, avoiding the potential risks arising from increasing surveillance and discriminatory systems based on AI and mining data.
Artists are also invited to investigate the potential creative use of data and digital platforms for a more inclusive society.
“RM2022”, inspired by the E.S.A., the European Space Agency’s space mission of the same name between 2004 and 2016. It includes a 3D reconstruction of comet 67.P Churyumov Gerasimenko, transformed from a physical celestial body into a digital convergence point for various disciplines.
“RM2022” is a free temporary hub, without specific political, religious or geographical coordinates, suitable for interdisciplinary contributions and social interaction: a meeting point for activists, artists, philosophers and scientists.
A place for a hybrid audience, crossing linguistic and physical boundaries in the pandemic era.
The project is intended to be a metaphorical digital Rosetta Stone accessible 2,200 years after the archaeological find. Therefore a relational tool that allows information to flow and connect the whole planet. Through the intimate interconnection of the various contributors, Rosetta Mission 2022 offers an evolving multidisciplinary entity that constantly processes data coming in from Artificial Intelligence, Instagram, Twitter, Youtube, incorporating digital and physical platforms into a single environment.
Luca Pozzi (1983, Milan) is an artist who graduated from the Brera Academy, where he specialised in 3D graphics. Pozzi has also delved into quantum graphics and particle physics, a path that has allowed him to create hybrid installations, such as magnetic sculptures, levitating objects, VR / AR experiences and a particular use of photography that can be defined almost performative.
He has exhibited in important spaces, such as galleries and museums, such as: Mart in Rovereto, the Mambo in Bologna, the MEF in Turin, the Artist Pension Trust in London and The Archive of Spatial Aesthetics and Praxis in New York.
In 2018, the exhibition The Grandfather Platform, a site-specific project, was held in the Sala dei Carracci at Palazzo Magnani in Bologna.
While in 2015 The Messengers of Gravity, open site- specific at Museo Ettore Fico at MEF, Turin.
In addition, since 2009 it has been collaborating with several scientific communities, including the Loop Quantum Gravity (Perimeter Institute, Ontario, CA), the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS, CERN, Geneva) and the Fermi Large Area Telescope laboratory (INFN, NASA).